Manhattan calling!
Pidin puheeni aamulla, heti (suurten demokratiavaltioiden) Iranin ja Valkovenajan jalkeen. Hyvin meni. Mulla oli hyva vitsi jolla oisin voinut aloittaa, muta paatin etta YK:n yleiskokouksen kolmas komitea ei ehka ole juuri se paikka missa uutta materiaalia kannattaa testata. Tosin se oli ainoa foorumi jossa vitsi olisi noinut toimia, koska vitsi liittyi niin keskeisesti puheenjohtaja Haya Rashed Al Khalifan yhdennoisyyteen Actor's Studion James Liptonin kanssa.
Opin yos keinon jolla hammentaa ihmisia helposti. Lounaan jalkeen (eli viisi tuntia mun puheen jalkeen) eras mies tuli luokseni Suomen paikalle, ja kysyi olisiko minulla antaa kopiota puheestani. Annoin. Han kiitti ja sanoi "I really like your website" ja haipyi takariviin Paraguayin tai Perun tai Papua Uuden Guinean paikalle. (Taalla istutaan aakkosjarjestyksessa. Ma istun Fijin ja Ranskan valissa). Mutta siis mika website? Ja mista tama mies mun nimen tiesi? Puheenjohtajalle ma olen vain "distuingished representative of Finland", ei mun nimea sanottu. Ja mista joku Paraguayilainen mun suomalaista blogia ymmartaa? Vai luuleeko tama Perulainen etta ma olen joku ihan muu? Kuka se siina tapauksessa luulee etta ma olen?!?
Ehka se tekee tata huvikseen? Menee randomilla ihmisten luo ja sanoo etta se tykkaa niiden kotisivuista ja saa ne aivan neuroottiseksi. Siina tapauksessa tama mies on nero. Kuulitteko? NERO!
Tassa mun puhe:
As the youth representative from Finland, it is an honour for me to address this Assembly.
Last year a review of the World Programme of Action for Youth brought together a record amount of youth delegates at the United Nation's highest decision-making body, the General Assembly. It was a delight that so many delegations considered youth as an important stakeholder and that these delegations were ready to hear the voices of the young people. The World Programme of Action for Youth is not on the agenda during this General Assembly, however we can not forget how crucial young people are in all matters. Roughly half of the world’s population is young people. Youth need to be present, and youth-led development should be promoted at all levels. We want to take responsibility for developing our own futures.
Especially the education of girls and young women need an extra focus. Their opportunities are even fewer then those of their peer boys’. We, the young people of today, are the most educated generation ever. Still 113 million children grow up without any schooling and 130 million young people can’t read. Opening doors to possibilities is not easy in that situation.?
The education of girls and young women is crucial for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Access to education for girls and young women is important for them as individuals as well as for the development of the entire society. The education gives youth the keys to the social rise and control of their own life. Increased human capital is the key to economic growth.
We need to make young people equal partners and actors in creating their own society, own future, own development. When we have knowledge and skills, young generations can together lead initiatives against poverty. One of the themes in the World Programme of Action for Youth is youth participation. Participation and possibilities to influence are not self-evident to many young people. That has to change. Our goal should be that young people everywhere could take responsibility of their own decisions and their own lives and futures.
It’s a shame to see so few youth delegates at the General Assembly this year. I strongly encourage all nations to include youth delegates in their delegations. We the young people want to influence our own futures. We want to take the responsibility, but we need access. Hear the voices of the young people in your countries. You might learn something.
Mr. Chairman,
Absolute poverty breaches the human rights. It denies the individual of possibilities. States and international organisations - indeed all of us - have a responsibility to create those possibilities. Young people need to have the possibility to realise their dreams. Creating jobs and education opportunities for young people need to be put much higher on the priority list of the United Nations.
Thank you for your attention.
Lotta Backlund
Opin yos keinon jolla hammentaa ihmisia helposti. Lounaan jalkeen (eli viisi tuntia mun puheen jalkeen) eras mies tuli luokseni Suomen paikalle, ja kysyi olisiko minulla antaa kopiota puheestani. Annoin. Han kiitti ja sanoi "I really like your website" ja haipyi takariviin Paraguayin tai Perun tai Papua Uuden Guinean paikalle. (Taalla istutaan aakkosjarjestyksessa. Ma istun Fijin ja Ranskan valissa). Mutta siis mika website? Ja mista tama mies mun nimen tiesi? Puheenjohtajalle ma olen vain "distuingished representative of Finland", ei mun nimea sanottu. Ja mista joku Paraguayilainen mun suomalaista blogia ymmartaa? Vai luuleeko tama Perulainen etta ma olen joku ihan muu? Kuka se siina tapauksessa luulee etta ma olen?!?
Ehka se tekee tata huvikseen? Menee randomilla ihmisten luo ja sanoo etta se tykkaa niiden kotisivuista ja saa ne aivan neuroottiseksi. Siina tapauksessa tama mies on nero. Kuulitteko? NERO!
Tassa mun puhe:
As the youth representative from Finland, it is an honour for me to address this Assembly.
Last year a review of the World Programme of Action for Youth brought together a record amount of youth delegates at the United Nation's highest decision-making body, the General Assembly. It was a delight that so many delegations considered youth as an important stakeholder and that these delegations were ready to hear the voices of the young people. The World Programme of Action for Youth is not on the agenda during this General Assembly, however we can not forget how crucial young people are in all matters. Roughly half of the world’s population is young people. Youth need to be present, and youth-led development should be promoted at all levels. We want to take responsibility for developing our own futures.
Especially the education of girls and young women need an extra focus. Their opportunities are even fewer then those of their peer boys’. We, the young people of today, are the most educated generation ever. Still 113 million children grow up without any schooling and 130 million young people can’t read. Opening doors to possibilities is not easy in that situation.?
The education of girls and young women is crucial for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. Access to education for girls and young women is important for them as individuals as well as for the development of the entire society. The education gives youth the keys to the social rise and control of their own life. Increased human capital is the key to economic growth.
We need to make young people equal partners and actors in creating their own society, own future, own development. When we have knowledge and skills, young generations can together lead initiatives against poverty. One of the themes in the World Programme of Action for Youth is youth participation. Participation and possibilities to influence are not self-evident to many young people. That has to change. Our goal should be that young people everywhere could take responsibility of their own decisions and their own lives and futures.
It’s a shame to see so few youth delegates at the General Assembly this year. I strongly encourage all nations to include youth delegates in their delegations. We the young people want to influence our own futures. We want to take the responsibility, but we need access. Hear the voices of the young people in your countries. You might learn something.
Mr. Chairman,
Absolute poverty breaches the human rights. It denies the individual of possibilities. States and international organisations - indeed all of us - have a responsibility to create those possibilities. Young people need to have the possibility to realise their dreams. Creating jobs and education opportunities for young people need to be put much higher on the priority list of the United Nations.
Thank you for your attention.
Lotta Backlund
At 10:57 AM,
Ana said…
Ei ihan turha plondi :)
At 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lotan saavutukset vetävät kyllä sanattomaksi. Voin vain kuvitella miten hienolta tuntuu pitää puhe YK:ssa New Yorkissa. Olisinpa ollut paikalla näkemässä! Lisäksi puheesi oli täysi kymppi. Ei ole mitään coolimpaa kuin matkustaa Nykiin, kaiken keskukseen ja maailman ihanimpaan kaupunkiin noin tärkeissä tehtävissä. Pakahdun ylpeyteeni sun puolesta. =)
At 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lyhyen ytimekkään ymmärrettävää tekstiä! Wow!
At 2:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hej Lotta! Hanna, förra svenska youth reppen här. Way to go, vad kul att du blev Finlands ungdomsdelegat i år! Så ditt tal på webcasten - bra jobbat. hoppas du, Laila och de andra har en toppentid i NY!
Lycka till!!
At 7:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Onneksi olkoon Kaupungin Paras Stand Up -koomikko (City-lehti)
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hassua miten et ota asioista selvää ennen kuin menet pitämään puheen YK:hon. Puheessasi tunnustat vain puheenjohtajan, sivuutat täysin pääsihteerin ja muut delegaatit. Puheesi kuuluisi alkaa esim. Honourable secretary general, chairs and fellow delegates.
At 1:37 AM,
Lotta said…
Hassua miten osaa yksinkertaista blogitekstiä lukea, ennen kuin kommentoit sitä. Puhe pidettiin yleiskokouksen kolmannessa komiteassa (sosiaalinen kehitys ym)., jossa ei suinkaan ole paikalla pääsihteeriä. Mutta senhän varmasti ilmeisenä YK-tietäjänä tiesitkin.
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